Play With Purpose: A development of the Game Sense Approach
Internationally, physical education (PE) has been critiqued as lacking in
educative intent, direction or purpose. The critique stems from two
observations of the common practice of PE:
- Lessons are overly focussed on movement compliance in performance environments where the teacher predominantly uses distinctly directive teaching- in other words, the “teacher says” and the students copy;
- Multi-activity program design where students progress through a series of movement experiences without time to develop competency or mastery in the units of work, and where there is no obvious connection or teaching for transfer of concepts and ideas from one unit to the next.
students consequently learn what they can’t do in PE rather than what
is possible, there is a focus on being physical rather than the
educative intent of learning to be physical and understanding movement,
and PE and can inadvertently become talent identification rather than
competency development.
During the 1980’s, the application of learning theory to PE led to the development of pedagogical approaches emphasizing the cognitive dimension of movement in response to the persistent claims that many children learnt little of substance or relevance in PE due to the common directive pedagogy and multi-activity curriculum. Although it had long been recognised that to be physically educated involves learning in the cognitive as well as physical and social-emotional domains, claims to cognitive engagement in PE were often more rhetorical than reality. Moves from ‘objectives’ based curriculum to standards and outcomes based curriculum brought further attention to the cognitive domain of learning in PE as student learning outcomes were framed using words like, ‘reflect’, ‘analyze’ and ‘design’.
One of the pedagogical approaches bringing attention to the cognitive dimensions of game and sport learning was the Game Sense approach. Developed in Australia from 1994-1996 by the Australian Sports Commission together with Rod Thorpe, it included the ‘pedagogical toolkit’ of Teaching games for Understanding (TGfU). This pedagogical toolkit includes:
During the 1980’s, the application of learning theory to PE led to the development of pedagogical approaches emphasizing the cognitive dimension of movement in response to the persistent claims that many children learnt little of substance or relevance in PE due to the common directive pedagogy and multi-activity curriculum. Although it had long been recognised that to be physically educated involves learning in the cognitive as well as physical and social-emotional domains, claims to cognitive engagement in PE were often more rhetorical than reality. Moves from ‘objectives’ based curriculum to standards and outcomes based curriculum brought further attention to the cognitive domain of learning in PE as student learning outcomes were framed using words like, ‘reflect’, ‘analyze’ and ‘design’.
One of the pedagogical approaches bringing attention to the cognitive dimensions of game and sport learning was the Game Sense approach. Developed in Australia from 1994-1996 by the Australian Sports Commission together with Rod Thorpe, it included the ‘pedagogical toolkit’ of Teaching games for Understanding (TGfU). This pedagogical toolkit includes:
- Guided inquiry through player problem solving and teacher use of well-considered and targeted questioning
- Game simplification to represent the tactical logic of the game at the developmental readiness of the learner
- Modification of game and player constraints (such as rules, boundaries of play, playing implements etc) to focus, shape and direct learning and progress learning
- Thematic classification of games into Net/Court, Target, Invasion and Striking/Fielding games based on similarity in principles of play.
The Game Sense approach has similar features to TGfU, but it is not TGfU. The TGfU literature typically describes a six step learning cycle where game appreciation and tactical understanding precede skill development and game performance, contrasting the common PE directive approach assuming mastery of movement competency before application in game play. TGfU therefore “flipped” the technical before tactical focus of the common directive PE approach, where the game is broken into separate parts that are identified and then refined through drill practice before put into play, to a tactical before technical description.
From the outset, Game Sense teaching and coaching literature described skill as the application of technique in the context of play, therefore tactical, technique and fitness components are taught (at least initially) contextually in a designer game to represent the “whole” and offer means of integrated tactical and technical learning. This association of skill as the use of a technique to effectively solve the problem presented to the player in the momentary configuration of play positions learning to be skilful as an embodied competency comprised of perception, cognition and movement response as interdependent actions: information-movement coupling. This understanding directs PE teaching away from a focus on control of student movement to a focus on movement understanding.
PE teachers have “always” modified games, used teaching by task, student peer and self-check, asked questions to inquire into student learning, or used themes to group content for learning. The ‘pedagogical toolkit’ of the Game Sense approach (and other tactical approaches) was therefore of itself not “new” or innovative. It was the change in focus from directive teaching of prescriptive “textbook” models of performance to guiding and facilitating game learning, and the understanding that skilled performance is inextricably linked to processes of cognition, that was new. Hopper (2003) illustrates this in his depiction of the “anatomy of a game performance”.
In the Game Sense approach student learning is driven by refined use of
questioning techniques by the teacher, challenging students to think
about, and come to ever more sophisticated understanding and use of, the
playing dimensions of time, space, application of force, and game flow
or tempo. The need for, and meaning of, more sophisticated and complex
skill emerges in response to understanding the complexity of play and
developing to meet the performance demands of the game as the game is
progressed by the teacher from simple to more complex representation
over time. This is not to say closed and open drills are avoided in the
Game Sense approach. The pedagogical skill of the teacher is knowing
when to use pedagogies like drill practice and play practices to improve
player game development, just as it is a skill of the teacher to design
or select a game purposefully to present concepts and movement models
to learn, refine or consolidate. The Game Sense approach is then not
about “throwing out the ball and letting students play”. The pedagogical
challenge of the Game Sense approach is in the purposeful design or
selection, and then shaping of games to focus the play on the concepts
and movement responses to be learnt.
The distinctive pedagogical feature of the Game Sense approach is the
purposeful teacher use of questioning to guide student discovery and
then understanding of game performance. The second distinctive feature
of a Game Sense approach is purposefully teaching for transfer between
games within a category and across game categories. This teaching for
transfer acknowledges that while games may look distinctive due to the
constraints imposed by rules or the performance environment games within
a category (for example: cricket and baseball are both
striking/fielding games) “make sense” through common principles of play.
For example, the requirement of the batter to place the ball into space
away from the fielder to create time for the batter to run without
getting out is common to understanding both baseball and cricket. This
conceptual understanding of the nature of play can enable students to
eventually be able to adapt to problems presented when learning new
games or observing new games through the recognition of the similarities
in the new to games already known. It is however, the PE teachers
responsibility to teach for transfer and not assume the students will
make the connections.
I read a lot of Twitter feeds and blogs where teachers claim to be using a TGfU or Game Sense approach, whereas they are really using modified and small-sided games to encourage participation. That is not a Game Sense or TGfU approach. Purposeful design of games as learning contexts, contexts focusing on developing skill performance, with individual, team and class engagement in cognitive, physical and relational “team” game development is a Game Sense approach. The Game Sense approach focus on shaping play and player development through guided inquiry does not detract from physical development or the development of sport “skills”. Teaching through the Game Sense approach recognizes skill as information-in-action. An idealized technique repeated in an open or closed drill is not “skill”. As information-in-action, skill has meaning within the context of the performance environment where the movement occurs – the context is the game.
Finally, teachers using the Game Sense approach understand that sports possess a cognitive complexity – think about the way a tennis player couples information (as perceptual judgment and anticipation – “reading the play”) in a time and space compressed performance context to a complex motor response (like a forehand return) in order to meet a problem (how do I return the ball?) unique to a momentary configuration of play.
I read a lot of Twitter feeds and blogs where teachers claim to be using a TGfU or Game Sense approach, whereas they are really using modified and small-sided games to encourage participation. That is not a Game Sense or TGfU approach. Purposeful design of games as learning contexts, contexts focusing on developing skill performance, with individual, team and class engagement in cognitive, physical and relational “team” game development is a Game Sense approach. The Game Sense approach focus on shaping play and player development through guided inquiry does not detract from physical development or the development of sport “skills”. Teaching through the Game Sense approach recognizes skill as information-in-action. An idealized technique repeated in an open or closed drill is not “skill”. As information-in-action, skill has meaning within the context of the performance environment where the movement occurs – the context is the game.
Finally, teachers using the Game Sense approach understand that sports possess a cognitive complexity – think about the way a tennis player couples information (as perceptual judgment and anticipation – “reading the play”) in a time and space compressed performance context to a complex motor response (like a forehand return) in order to meet a problem (how do I return the ball?) unique to a momentary configuration of play.
What the game sense approach did'nt exlain is how the nature and use of games changes as players become more game developed. In my Play with Puprose resources for sport coaching, I set out four purposes for develping player game sense as player game development progresses in complexity to meet the continung development needs of the players. The below example from 2016 Play with Purpose: Developing thinking players: a game sense resource for Rugby Union, Rugby League and Touch, illustrates this progression.
Play with Purpose: Developing thinking players: a game sense resource for Rugby Union, Rugby League and Touch, is out of print but you can download it from my ResearchGate site.
If you would like to develop your game-based coaching as Play with Purpose or work togther on a coaching project, you can contact me via my email which is available here
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